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Food Truck Fridays are Back with International Flavours and Live Music

Hornsby Shire Council is excited to welcome back its popular series of Food Truck Fridays this March and April.

Council’s ‘Food Truck Fridays’ showcase some of Sydney’s best food truck offerings and live music at locations across Hornsby Shire, with residents of the LGA and neighbouring areas invited to come along and enjoy the delicious offerings from international food trucks plus a pop-up bar and family friendly music and entertainment by local artists for everyone to enjoy.

Food Truck Fridays are Back with International Flavours and Live Music

In March, the trucks will roll into the car park at Pennant Hills Library (5pm-8.30pm, 1 March) and Berowra Oval (5pm-8.30pm, 15 March), then in April will visit Galston (5pm-8.30pm, 5 April) and the Greenway Park Oval carpark in Cherrybrook (5pm-8.30pm, 19 April).

“We know how much the community enjoy these Food Truck Friday events so we’re very excited to be bringing them back for another year,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor The Hon Philip Ruddock AO.

“Gather your family or friends and make it an occasion to wind down for the week and have a wonderful time!”

Hornsby Shire Council’s ‘Food Truck Fridays’ are FREE. For locations and details, see

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