Bluetongue Landscapes & Concreting

Preschool for Seniors

This month Fit Kidz Learning Centre in Dural welcomed some very special friends for an Easter morning tea. It was also Harmony Day so the perfect day to share some time with the wonderful seniors of our community.

“Our visitors and the children in our centre joined together to paint, sing, and dance. One of our visitors Carmen even showed the children how to make ravioli with the playdough. Carmen shared how she used to make it with her mother back in Malta many years ago. It was a very special morning.” says Centre Director, Mel Hogan

Fit Kidz Learning Centre - Preschool for Seniors

“Interactions between the elderly and young children enriches the lives of both age groups.
The exchange of knowledge, experience, and cultural differences, strengthens social bonds
and promotes mutual respect. It really is a gift we are fortunate to experience
each month here at Fit Kidz.” Says, Mel

Interacting with young children can enhance the cognitive function and emotional well-being of the elderly. Engaging in activities like storytelling, playing games, or simply conversing, stimulates mental faculties and keeps the mind active.

“We find the innocence and joy of children gives a sense of vitality and happiness to our visitors and can help in combating feelings of perhaps loneliness” shares, Mel “Our children also benefit greatly from their interactions. They gain valuable lessons in empathy, compassion, and patience whilst learning to respect and appreciate individuals from different generations”. shares, Mel

These visits are one of the many highlights at Fit Kidz and Mel and her team would like to sincerely thank the residents from Bupa Retirement Village for visiting and being part of the Fit Kidz community.


Modern Generation