Hornsby comfy hips

Optimism, Opportunity, Organisation

The lovely, smooth, round letter “O” could be the perfect approach to 2024, push away all the negative and let’s accentuate the positive; let’s be ON-BOARD with new, bright ideas and best of all, let’s OPEN OUR EYES and OBSERVE our wonderful, colourful world around us!

The letter “O”:
No rough edges, no pointy bits. Complete; smooth; all encompassing…
Do quilts come to mind? Yes they do! All of the above can describe a QUILT.

Meeting a quilting friend recently, sharing each other’s news and also catching up on another group’s activities, I came away with a smile in my heart thinking about the fact that she has just started a new handmade quilt, and she buys GREEN BANANAS.  

Explore a World of Quilting Patterns

My friend is definitely a true OPTIMIST.

The photo shows our quilts arriving at the Red Cross Refugee Centre in Wollongong, to be distributed to the next group of new arrivals into Australia. We hope our efforts will make a difference to their comfort as they prepare to settle into a new home and a different way of life!

Arcadian Quilters meet at The Galston Community Centre, the Glade, Galston on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of each month at 9.30am.

For further information please call Carole on 9894 7749.

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