ear studio sept
Lumby Hampson_web

Dural Scouts


Scouting has now moved back from virtual to real meetings. Zoom was fun, but not the same as face-to-face activities with your friends. Covid-safe plans are in place, but restrictions are slowly easing.

Joeys have been learning how to cook marshmallows with a Hobo stove (baked bean cans!) and how to put the fires out with an extinguisher.

ScoutsCubs have been very busy with a bushcraft night. They were tasked with collecting rocks and sticks to create a safely enclosed fire. Then found bush sticks to build a tripod over the top to hang a billy of water and boil it. Finally, they brought their own damper mix from home and wrapped the dough around a stick to cook and enjoy eating it. Some cubs achieved all these tasks, some not, but it was fun trying.

The Cubs went on a fantastic hike at Eric Mobbs Reserve recently where they explored the bush and aquatic life in the creek.

The Cubs also made first use of the Hall by learning some Auslan sign language, then played games to practice.

Afterwards, they signed their way through a music video “The Seekers – I am Australian” Auslan version. Both Scouts and Venturers have spent a couple of nights developing their bush cooking skills and Scouts cooked in Halloween costume one night.

1st Dural Group currently has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 yo. Contact Warwick Mills on 0417 689 571 or [email protected]

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