
Dural Scouts Annual Meeting

By Warren Payne

1st Dural Scout Group recently met in their hall for the Annual Report Presentations.

After the various annual reports were presented District Commissioner Terry Brooke congratulated the Group on their strength in the Region and presented Leader Warwick Mills with his 20 Year Service certificate and Karissa Symons and Jonathan Edwards with Special Service awards.

Karissa Symons accepted the Bear award on behalf of daughter Emily. The Bear award is an encouragement award that recognises the recipient’s efforts to “Do Their Best” in true Scouting tradition. Emily always shows enthusiasm and willingness to help and is someone who epitomises what it is to be a scout.

Hornsby Mayor, the Honourable Philip Ruddock AO, also attended the meeting. Mr Ruddock is an ardent supporter of Scouting since his early days as a Cub Scout. He echoed the District Commissioner’s congratulations and then recounted his visit some years ago, during his time as the Special Envoy for Human Rights, to Lord Baden Powell’s tomb at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Nyeri, Kenya. His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the centre “ʘ”, which is the trail sign for “Going Home,” or “I have gone home”. Philip Ruddock encouraged all the scouts to make this journey should they ever get the chance.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Simon Edwards 0410 477 813 ([email protected]) or Phirooza 0411 731 976
