Recently the Cubs visited the Planetarium at Macquarie University. When we arrived at the planetarium the first thing, we noted was a big black blob being blown up, this ended up being the planetarium that we would be going in. The planetarium took about 20 minutes to blow up and was 7m in diameter and inflates up to 4.1m in height and can hold up to 40 people at any one time.
We were introduced to Astro Physicist, Liam Agnew, who also used to be a Scout. We entered the Planetarium and there was still light so we could see what we were doing, the light came from the projector, we were all asked to sit down, and the planetarium presentation started. We were shown and told about all the planets and their moons, and then looked at the galaxies and were told about the stars and constellations.
The presentation lasted about 50 minutes. Dural Cubs really enjoyed it and got a lot of information out of it and would love to go back again. We now have a follow up project to earn our Space badge.
Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).
Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]) – By Sophie Martin Patrol Leader – 1st Dural Cubscouts