ear studio

Did My Vote Really Count?

By Mark Coupar

Now the dust has settled on the federal election we have a new Prime Minister, a new Opposition Leader and a new National Party leader and many new faces in the next parliament.

So on the surface it looks like our vote did make a difference in our political landscape in this year’s federal election.

The old adage of “I live in a safe seat so I wont make a difference” is not as relevant in these current times as a considered “safe seat” might not always be a safe seat as community beliefs and attitudes change over time as was seen in our recent elections.

One of the responsibilities of voting is being part of a democracy. By voting, citizens are actively participating in this democratic process and formulating change to improve our lives.

Your vote is your privilege and your right and people around the world have gone to great lengths to make their vote count and queue for great lengths of time to ensure they are heard and listened to, make their vote count.

So when the opportunity to vote comes around in 2023 exercise your democratic right and vote, as it will count.

Put in your diaries Thursday 16th June at Geranium Cottage Middle Dural starting at 9.30am to 11.30am for a forum to discuss evolving our chamber to meet the new business environment and what our chamber should look and feel like as we move forward.

Please rsvp to [email protected] by 9th of June
