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Covid-19 Check-in Card


Residents who don’t have smartphones or are not comfortable using the Service NSW webform can create a hard-copy COVID-19 check-in card with a unique QR code that contains their registered contact details.

Once you’ve created your card you can have it posted to you, or download a printable version immediately.

If you lose the card, or your contact details change, you simply create a new card. To create your COVID-19 check-in card, visit www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/create-covid-19-check-card

Note: This check-in method is only available at businesses that have a QR compatible device. It is not mandatory for businesses to accept COVID-19 check-in cards.

COVID-19 check-in card

Many people may be feeling anxious or worried as measures are introduced to stop the spread of COVID-19. Looking after the mental health of yourself, friends and family is an important part of staying well.

There are a number of high-quality services we can access free from home. This includes a mixture of self-guided mental health resources and programs as well as one-on-one connection to professionals through webchat, online counselling and phone services.

To find out more about mental health services available across NSW, visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/factsheets/Pages/covid-19-accessing-mental-health.aspx. Online resources are available by visiting www.headtohealth.gov.au/

Please see the following links related to travelling within NSW, workers leaving or entering a COVID-19 area of concern and registering a COVID-19 nominated visitor:
1. Register to travel within NSW: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-your-travel-within-nsw

2. Registration for workers leaving or entering a COVID-19 area of concern: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/registration-workers-leaving-or-entering-covid-19-area-concern

3. COVID-19 Nominated Visitor: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-your-nominated-visitor

Pat Fedele