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Construction Companies Can Now Bid

Tender submissions close on 18 August and 24 August.


Construction companies can now bid to work on the upgrade of the intersection of Edwards Road and Annangrove Road located on the border of Rouse Hill and Box Hill, and the upgrade of the Terry Road culvert crossing, also located in Box Hill.

Mayor of The Hills Shire Dr Peter Gangemi said the completion of these two upgrades will improve safety for Box Hill residents and commuters.

“Upgrading roads and intersections to service our growing population is of the highest priority to Council,” Mayor Gangemi said.

“The intersection of Edwards Road and Annangrove Road is one of the busiest intersections in Box Hill, so this upgrade will ensure a faster journey for local residents.

“The roundabout will also improve safety for drivers travelling through this intersection.

“The Terry Road culvert crossing is also a much-needed upgrade, as this section of road is prone to frequent closures during heavy rains.

“This section of road is also located very close to the new Brindle Parkway Reserve, which is currently under construction.

“It is essential this issue is fixed for when Brindle Parkway Reserve is completed, which will become a popular sports complex with two rectangular fields and a cricket wicket, cricket practice nets, a half basketball court, as well as a local playground,” Mayor Gangemi added.

Works on the Edwards and Annangrove Road intersection upgrade will include:

  • Upgrading the intersection to a four-way roundabout
  • pavement widening, draining and kerb and gutter work
  • relocation of services and
  • the roundabout central island and splitter islanders.

Tender submissions close on Thursday, 24 August.

Works on the Terry Road culvert crossing will involve increasing the drainage capacity underneath the road and raising the road level to prevent flood inundation. The work requires:

  • Earthworks
  • relocation of service utilities
  • installation of concrete box culverts and
  • road construction work.

During these works, this section of Terry Road will close and a detour will need to be implemented around the work zone to enable construction to occur safely and quickly. More details about detour routes will be provided once a contractor has been assigned.

Tender submissions close on Friday, 18 August.

Subject to successful tender submissions and the awarding of a construction tender, works are expected to commence on these projects in late 2023.

To make a submission for either of these tenders, visit Council’s Tenderlink Portal, www.tenderlink.com/thehills

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