james wallace

Computer Pals for Seniors – The Hills

Are you, like many other seniors, somewhat struggling to keep up with today’s daunting world of technology?

If the answer is a firm ‘yes’ then you may like to consider joining ‘Computer Pals for Seniors’ – The Hills, a ‘not for profit, 23 year old organisation, completely manned by an abundant social group of volunteers, which, in 1918, received an Australia Day Award for ‘Best Community Group’ for service to The Hills Shire.

One of the largest Clubs in Australia and a member of the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association, (ASCCA), members, aged in their 50’s to 80’s some even in their 90’s, are helped to overcome their technology problems, by knowledgeable, genial seniors in a no fuss, no pressure, extremely environmentally friendly situation, including a one pupil basic computer course, plus several advanced courses, including Advanced Internet, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage, Google Mail, Family History for Beginners, Password Management, Care and Maintenance, Photo books, Facebook and more, plus detailed tuition for Home Entertainment, Tablets and Smart Phones, including regular, ongoing group support workshops to help solve your problems.

Our fees are extremely affordable, established simply to cover costs, such as rental, electricity, security and insurance etc.

Classes are conducted in ‘The Old Caretaker’s Cottage’ in the showground at Castle Hill, directly opposite ‘The Harvey Lowe Pavilion’, with plenty of free parking, opening weekdays only.

For more information, please call the club rooms on 0479 137 131, where if unattended, leave a message, and your call will be returned. Or send an email to: cpals.hills@gmail
