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Dural And District Historical Society Inc

The Society Christmas lunch will close a wonderful year for the Society. 

Talking to other organisations, the common theme has been that their membership and attendance have not recovered from the Covid pandemic. The DDHS has surprised all visitors by showing the opposite! The membership has grown and the attendance has always been above fifty, on several occasions more than one hundred.

We have come to the conclusion that this success is due to several factors: A growing interest in local places and people; a coming together of the members of several different organisations, who have a common interest in their community and history; and an excellent venue. It has been a fine example of Community networking.

Our speakers over the year have told of the Best, Roughley and Bevan and Allen families; of Fosters Waterhole and Mount Orient; of the Sallaway home and family. 

We have heard from renowned speakers on life in early Parramatta and the Colonial Architect Francis Greenway. So much of our enjoyment has been the result of the research and work of members and their efforts are truly appreciated. The generous support of the Galston Uniting Church has made this possible.

The Society Committee wishes readers a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year. We look forward to an enjoyable and informative 2024, with gatherings of likeminded people living in a unique community such as ours. 

The first meeting for 2024 will be 10 February, starting at 2pm in the Galston Uniting Church, School Road, Galston. Enquiries to Michael Bell 02 9653 1365.

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