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Cherrybrook Probus Ponderings

Members enjoyed a wonderful day trip to Palm Beach for lunch with a visit to the Baha’i Temple Ingleside. The serene yet good humoured manner of our guide reflected the beliefs of the faith and proved most enlightening. The walking group also managed fabulous weather for their outing from Rhodes to Concord West and bowls and golf squeezed in a couple of games.

Our craft, book, theatre and Money Matters groups and the general meeting were well attended. Fortunately Ten pin Bowling is an indoor activity which provided physical activity during the rainy days.

Cherrybrook Probus Members Enjoy Trips 2024

Upcoming events include ‘Chicago’, the State Library, a social drive and Christmas in July.

If you are an able bodied, semi-retired or retired couple looking for new experiences, the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook could be for you.

Our meetings are held at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on the first Thursday of each month. For information please contact Lynn on 041 484 8413.

We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our Probus Club to share the good times.

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