
Practical Tips for Living Well with Dementia


Dementia is a global issue which affects close to half a million Australians. It does not distinguish between gender, culture, geography or socio-economic circumstance. Dementia encompasses a wide range of symptoms caused by disorders affecting the brain. While memory impairment is a symptom of the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, madness can also […]

Long-Awaited Approval for Living Choice Galston

Living Choice Galston

Following a five-year, protracted process, the Hornsby Shire Council has given Development Approval for Living Choice Galston, an upmarket retirement community planned for 330 Galston Road, Galston. The decision paves the way for the construction of 40 two and three-bedroom villas, 48 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and a luxury leisure centre. Living Choice Galston […]

A Different Approach

A different approach

Good Different …. We all know this very familiar phrase and I admit I find myself thinking that I could perhaps try this too as I wrestle with a quilt that just – “won’t allow itself to get finished”- yes, IT DOES HAPPEN … A different approach is required. Having made several quilts during Covid […]

Accessories for A Mobility Scooter

mobility scooter

A mobility scooter enhances the independence of its user. It opens up possibilities for someone with limited or restricted mobility. We talked about how to select the most appropriate mobility equipment, how to use a mobility scooter for the safety of the user and the community and other related topics. Let us review the most […]

Arcadian Quilters News

Arcadian Quilters

Arcadian Quilters News-Autumn is such a lovely time of year isn’t it? As the heat of summer fades away our gardens seem to visibly relax. Cooler afternoons can send us indoors, possibly looking into drawers and cupboards …. and look at what this quilter found, what a gem: (it’s now finished and ready for a […]

Exclusive Lunch and Trial Event with Hear Clear Australia

Hear Clear Australia

Hear Clear Australia is excited to announce that Oticon’s latest premium hearing aid, Oticon More™, is now available in-clinic. New technology in this hearing aid helps the wearer to hear all meaningful sounds around them. Hear Clear Australia will be holding an exclusive event where attendees will be taken out for a complimentary lunch at […]

Probus Ponderings – Let Us Bowl You Over!

Probus Ponderings

In April, the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook returned to its home at the Cherrybrook Community Centre to a most successful meeting followed by many entertaining activities. throughout the month, including the Premier’s Gala Concert and Castle Hill Players outing and a visit to the Museum of Fire at Penrith. While we have always enjoyed […]

Keep Occupied

Keep Occupied Job Satisfaction

As we age and we are less able to contribute to our communities and with the colder weather, it is easy to feel despondent. As well, we are still feeling the effects of the social isolation due to Covid-19 that everyone found so hard endure. What are the best ways to Keep Occupied?. James, a […]

Enjoy the Confidence that Comes from Belonging

Enjoy the Confidence

Enjoy the Confidence that Comes from Belonging. A retirement village might not be for everyone, however those who choose to make the move do agree that they should have done it sooner. For some it is the opportunity to meet new people and find companionship, while for others it’s about enjoying the freedom from maintaining […]

Arcadian Quilters News

Arcadian Quilters

last Arcadian Quilters News: Once we would chant that schoolyard song of …. Rain Rain go away etc after such a soggy week but I’m saying- ‘thank you’ – for the green grass, lush gardens and quite clean cars ….so, no complaints from this little duck!! Our efforts this month are headed south to CABARGOA […]