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Bromeliad Society of Australia Celebrates Its 60th

At the next meeting on Saturday, 14th October the Bromeliad Society of Australia will celebrate its sixtieth birthday at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Castle Hill with Bromeliad sales to the public from 10am with the meeting commencing at 12 noon.

The inaugural meeting took place in 1962, 36 people attended and a decision was made to form a Society. The Australian Bromeliad Society was formed in 1963, the first general meeting was held on 6th July at the Y.M.C.A. in Pitt Street, Sydney and attracted 45 members and today the BSA has 140 members.

The first issue of Bromeletter was published in 1969 and the first public display of Bromeliads was held at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Easter Show in the same year.

Bromeliad Society of Australia Celebrates Its 60th

“Each and every position is vital to the smooth running of our society. Two of our life members who are still actively involved with the BSA are Carolyn Bunnell who joined in 1982 and Allan Beard in 1987.” said Ian Hook, President.

National conferences were organised in 1983, 1991 and the highly successful “Bromsmatta”2015.

However, the major achievement which put our Society on the World Stage was the publication in 1988 of our Book “Growing Bromeliads”. It was the first of its kind outside the USA and European countries.

The book was compiled by 13 members of the Society, each writing on the genera of Bromeliads in which they specialised. It was written in simple terms for the novice growers to understand. The book has been updated and is still selling well today.

For further information please contact Ian Hook, President of BSA on mobile 0408 202 269, email: [email protected] or refer to www.bromeliad.org.au for the latest updates.

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