james wallace
james wallace

Arcadian Quilters-part4

Arcadian Quilters

The weather is telling us ‘what we should be doing’… and Big Ted said it was time to … “please put on his warm coat” !!

These halcyon days of beautiful clear skies and warm sunshine hide the fact that nights are getting cold and our thoughts are turning to warm quilts, knitting wool and cosy sox!!

At our last meeting those colourful quilts from Covid days were being finished off and will be given to several Charities which we support.

Doonside “Women’s Refuge” and Blacktown Hospital were two recent recipients of quilts, both groups were delighted and very grateful of our donations. Approximately 26 quilts were donated on this occasion. So far (this year alone) we have donated approximately 70 quilts to chosen Charities, so all that stitching away at home during lock-down has paid off… and kept our group happy and busy.

We get “a big buzz” from sharing and knowing someone’s precious little baby will be cozy and a family who have difficulties may find joy in a quilt made by someone else who cares about them!!

Our members enjoyed a recent visit from Sandra Sergeant who represented the Australian Seniors Insurance group.

Arcadian Quilters had the opportunity to be represented in the Seniors Community Group Competition; we eagerly await the results as these generous donations help community groups enormously!!!

Our group meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of each month at 9.30am in the Community Health Centre, The Glade, Galston.

For further details please contact Carole on 9894 7749. New members are always welcome… call in… say hello… see what we do? Remember, warm smiles… warm sox and warm jumpers — add up to a happy week!!

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