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An Inquiry Into Skilled Migration

By Julian Leeser

As the Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, I recently announced an inquiry into Skilled Migration in post- COVID Australia.

Skilled migrants make a vital contribution to Australia and to our community. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 100,000 migrants entered Australia under the skilled migration program each year. These migrants play an important role in filling gaps in the Australian workforce and starting businesses that employ many Australians, and will continue to do so in future.

The COVID-19 pandemic gives us a chance to consider how current skilled migration settings are serving Australia’s needs now and into the future.

Australia’s excellent health and economic response allows us to attract great entrepreneurs and skilled people looking to relocate. We want them to see Australia as the best place to establish a business with our safe, functional democracy, good health and economic systems and the rule of law.

Many businesses in our electorate have spoken to me about the difficulties they experience trying to find the Australians with the right skills, or trying to bring skilled migrants from overseas.

Many of you have also told me about people in your own families who would like to invest in Australia however have found it challenging to navigate the migration process.

If you have faced similar challenges, I would encourage you to make a submission to the inquiry.

Submissions responding to terms of reference 1(a) and 2 will be accepted until 1 March 2021, while submissions addressing the remaining terms of reference will be accepted until 31 March 2021.

For the terms of reference or to make a submission, please visit the website for the Inquiry into Australia’s Skilled Migration Program at

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Pat Fedele