
20th Anniversary for Hornsby Relay for Life

By James Wallace, Hornsby MP

I was very pleased to support Hornsby Relay for Life’s twentieth successive event at Rofe Park last month. It was once again an overwhelming success as they exceeded their goal of fundraising $110K.

The annual event has now raised over $1.8 million for cancer research since it commenced. It is a 24-hour family festival, with a full program of live entertainment, ceremonies, kids activities, food and lots of fun.
Congratulations to Robyn Twigg OAM who has participated in all twenty relays. Robyn is a 24-hour walker and an inspiration to many with her passion and fundraising prowess.
An incredible 59 teams and 435 walkers participated. Along with Robyn’s team, Pink Ribbons II, other teams included the Rangers Baseball, Hornsby Men’s Shed, Waitara Girl Guides, Cherrybrook Girl guides and Pennant Hills High School.
Well done to the organisers including Nicola MacGee, Ruth Swadling and Karen Humphries for a successful event. It was a privilege to walk with them as part of the Survivors and Carers Walk, along with my mother who recently battled cancer.