Gremmo Homes

Julian Leeser: Federal Member for Berowra

More Needs to be Done to Help Thousands of Berowra Mortgage Holders Navigate Rising Interest Rates, 2023-24 Volunteer Grants are Now Open, RFS Volunteers, households,Australia Day, our community, Anzac Day, 3G network, Tech Detox

For many years, it has been a key priority of mine to champion a better deal for our area from the telcos – for more towers and fewer blackspots. Only weeks ago, we got a new phone tower in Glenhaven. This is a cause of celebration after years fighting for the tower, including a community […]

Rural Roundup News Update

Rural Roundup, Council News Community News, NSW News, Local Government election

Council News Update: The Hornsby Shire Council delivery and Operational Plan is currently on exhibition. What does this mean? It presents for comment what Council plans to do over the coming years. It covers all aspects of Council’s budget and finances and what we hope to achieve in areas like: Our core business of waste, […]

From The Desk of Matt Kean Member For Hornsby

From the desk of Matt Kean: Bushfire Season, New Line Road Local News

Recently I was very pleased to be joined by other politicians, from our local area, at all levels of government and together we have called on the NSW government to honour the previous Coalition Government’s commitment to upgrading New Line Road. On behalf of our constituents, we will continue to make strong representations to fix […]