
From The Desk of Matt Kean Member For Hornsby

Recently I was very pleased to be joined by other politicians, from our local area, at all levels of government and together we have called on the NSW government to honour the previous Coalition Government’s commitment to upgrading New Line Road.

On behalf of our constituents, we will continue to make strong representations to fix New Line Road, until a result is achieved.

One of the most special places in my electorate of Hornsby, is Fagan Park and it was my pleasure to be part of the opening of the Children’s Forest playground at the park recently. This unique play experience, largely funded by the previous NSW Government, has proved to be a great success.

There were students from both Galston and Arcadia Public School at the Children’s Forest opening. During the school holidays many more kids have given it a good work out and I have already received so much positive feedback.

Instead of trees being cleared to deliver a new recreation facility, it’s so pleasing to see how the playground’s designer, Fiona Robbe, managed to include the trees as part of it.

Situated in the southeast section of the park, in an area that was previously underutilized, it is exciting to think that this is just stage one. The Children’s Forest will ultimately include tree climbing, a cubby building area, treetop canopy walk, bird hide, tree house with a slide and much more.

The next new facility to be delivered in Fagan Park will be a dog park and this should be available for use later this year.

My favourite part in Fagan Park is Carrs Bush. This is a preserved area of remnant bushland that includes over 120 species of plants. There is an impressive, elevated boardwalk with interpretive signage for people to enjoy the bushland. I can tell you from firsthand experience, it is an amazing place to visit.

When he donated the land for public use in 1979, Bruce Fagan described his vision for Fagan Park, as being a “Park for the People”. Without a doubt his vision has become a reality.


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