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Showcase of the Hills District’s Finest Gardens

The Sydney Hills Garden Competition is on again in 2022. Steeped in history and intricately linked to the Hills Shire, the first competition ran in 1959 as the brainchild of Councillor Eric Mobbs.

It became the forerunner of the Orange Blossom Festival, so has a significant place in the cultural history of “The Garden Shire”.

Hills residents, businesses, schools and institutions are encouraged to register their gardens by 5pm on Friday 9th September 2022 for spring judging during the Orange Blossom Festival.

This is a call out to all gardeners …. register your gardens and get ready for the judging late September. Entry forms are available at or Council’s website.

Gardens are judged by professional and experienced horticulturists and landscapers. In the past judges have included local gardening gurus Judy Horton, Ross Miller, the late Bruce Pike as well as Horticulturalist Lucia Fowler.

“We’ve never seen so many beautiful gardens around than the last few years. So many people have become house and garden proud while working from home and through lockdowns making the very best of their surrounds and especially enjoying their gardens despite all the weather challenges. More than ever, this is a time to celebrate the fine gardens of the Hills District this spring” said gardening expert Lucia Fowler after last year’s competition.

The Garden Competition is run each year by The Rotary Club of the Hills- Kellyville and has a variety of categories for gardeners from small Town Houses to residential gardens, to gardens of industrial, commercial and retirement complexes. The garden competition is open to gardens located in the Hills Shire and adjoining parts of the suburbs of North Rocks, Carlingford, Northmead, Winston Hills, Baulkham Hills, West Pennant Hills, Cherrybrook, Glenhaven, Dural, Arcadia, Galston and Glenorie.

An Awards Night will be held at the end of September where award winning gardens and their gardeners will be honored and receive prizes.

For more information about entering or sponsorship opportunities visit www. , your local garden centre or Keith Stapley on 0412 079 014

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville has had a long association with gardeners in The Hills, having run the Garden Competition since early 2000’s and the Hills Open Gardens. The Club proudly opened a Community Garden in March 2021 to mark the 100th year of Rotary in Australia.

All the garden plots were quickly snapped up by keen gardeners and planting began. Within weeks it became a vegetable oasis amidst apartment blocks right in the centre of Baulkham Hills.

The Rotary Club of the Hills- Kellyville established and built this garden for the community in conjunction with the Hills Shire Council. Other works of the Club include local community events and the raising of funds for numerous programs far and wide, from the Hills area to outback Australia to overseas communities with specific needs.

To be part of an inspired group that are making a difference, contact the club though our website or Facebook page The Sydney Hills Garden Competition is an Orange Blossom Festival Event.

Hills Garden Competition
