dural club
Able Liquid Waste (1)

Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade

Rural Fire Brigade

Summer is a popular time for projects around the home, but did you know that welders, chainsaws and grinders can start grass fires? The rain we received in 2020 has helped the grass around Glenhaven grow well this summer. It is now starting to dry out which increases the risk of fire. Wind is also […]

Benefits Of Smart Home Automation

Smart Home

I’m sure there is zero doubt, but it’s clear that we are now living in the golden age of technology advancement. One great advantage to this age is the introduction and development of smart homes, so this month I would like to discuss some benefits of integrating technology into your home. To put it generally, […]

Dine And Discover – Sign Up Now!

Dine And Discover

By Matt Kean The new Dine and Discover Program will create an economic boost for local dining, arts and tourism businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19. The program will offer four $25 vouchers to every NSW resident aged over 18 to spend on these local businesses. The program is yet to go live, however, […]

Stronger Communities Programme – Round 6 Expressions Of Interest Open

Communities Programme

By Julian Leeser Round 6 of the Stronger Communities Programme is now open for Expressions of Interest. The programme funds small capital projects that aim to improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant viable communities. In the past the Stronger Communities Program has helped to fund and bring many life great projects in our […]

Renovating with Property


Property & You – By Paul McKenzie, ABS Conveyancing Before you start to renovate your home, ask yourself – is the renovations to improve your lifestyle ? or to get it ready to sell ? If renovating to sell, keep it into a good budget, paint in conservative colours (whites, yellows and creams) and only […]

When should your child start swimming lessons?

Swimming Teacher Carlile Swimming Cherrybrook

Expecting a one-year-old to swim freestyle is about as realistic as asking her to drive your SUV. Yet countless experts insist the best time to start swimming lessons is as soon as possible. That’s because 65 years ago Forbes and Ursula Carlile pioneered baby teaching in Australia. The company they founded, Carlile Swimming, is now […]