
Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade

Summer is a popular time for projects around the home, but did you know that welders, chainsaws and grinders can start grass fires?

The rain we received in 2020 has helped the grass around Glenhaven grow well this summer. It is now starting to dry out which increases the risk of fire. Wind is also an important factor in grass fires. Wind determines how quickly a fire moves through grass and which direction it travels in. Grass fires are quick to respond to changes in wind speed and direction. Fire in tall grass will have tall flames that may burn across trails, roads, or fire breaks.

The safest place to be during a grass fire is well away from the fire. When in the vicinity of a grass fire, always keep the burnt ground in mind as a safe refuge. If you are threatened by a grass fire, always protect yourself by covering up all exposed skin with protective clothing such as:

• Long-sleeved shirt and pants made from a natural fibre such as cotton.
• Sturdy leather boots and woollen socks.
• Leather gloves.
• A wide-brimmed hat.
• A face mask or towel to cover your mouth and nose.
• Eye protection such as goggles.

Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and be aware of your level of physical fitness, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and sunburn. More information can be found at

Taking this into consideration, Glenhaven RFB members have been completing training on how to deal with fast moving grass fires. We have also been busy with a number of local callouts over the Summer. One of the more unusual calls was for a resident trapped in their own lift.

We had many enquiries for potential new members during 2020, and we have slowly been trying to meet with all of them in a Covid Safe way.

Like or Follow the Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade Facebook group for regular updates on our activity or contact us at [email protected]

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