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Win A Free Aussie Pump for your Brigade

Aussie Pumps is a Castle Hill based pump manufacturer that focuses on producing what they claim to be the world’s best lightweight portable fire pump.

The Aussie Fire Chief has been widely used by the RFS, National Parks and farmers and homeowners over the last 20 years.

The company has launched a competition for RFS Brigades to win an Aussie Fire Captain firefighting pump. To win the Aussie Fire Captain pump, every Brigade member is invited to submit an entry, in 50 words or less, on “What motivates an RFS volunteer”. Entries should be made out to the Aussie RFS Fire Pumps Competition and submitted to RFSA at PO Box 845 Penrith BC NSW 2751.

Please include your Brigade’s name, phone number and email address. Entries close on the 31 May, 2021 and the winning Brigade will be announced through RFSA News.

Australian Pumps offer a wide range of self priming engine drive pumps for firefighting. The company offers special discounts to RFS brigades in everything from it’s lightweight portable 1” Honda Ultralite to big 4” pumps, suitable for both freshwater and seawater firefighting.

“We want the volunteers to know that we respect and appreciate the sacrifice they make”, said Aussie Pumps’ Warwick Lorenz.

“Without volunteers, the amount of property damage, livestock and human lives lost would be enormous. Not everyone seems to really appreciate the effort and the value of the unpaid volunteer services. These members who put themselves at risk to protect the property and lives of others”, he said.

For further information, Brigades can contact Helen Mahoney on 02 8865 3500 aussiepumps.com.au

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