
We Need to Double Our Staff – We Have Great Jobs Available!

We Need to Double Our Staff – We Have Great Jobs Available!
New staff needed at Aussie Pump’s new offices at Norwest. Could this be YOUR dream job?

Local heroes, the Aussie Pump team have now taken over their new Head Quarters at Norwest. The building (next to Hillsong) gives them twice as much space enabling this innovative local company the ability to double production, double warehousing and double the staff.

There are great jobs available!

Help Aussie fill the desks with competent people that get excited about helping combat fires, floods and drought.

“What we like about this business is that everything we do helps somebody”, said Aussie’s Managing Director Warwick Lorenz.

For more information, email Linda-Sue Karkowski (careers@ for great jobs, real careers, and opportunities.

Aussie says helping people is exciting!

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