
Was Life Easier in The 70s?

By Mark Coupar

I read an article just recently, asking: Was life easier back in the 70s? It made me think of things that were once important in my daily life, but now long gone.

Looking back, I thought to myself, how did I ever survive in the 70s, with no Internet, no Netflix no mobile phone, and Grease was the movie to watch.

I can remember seeing a car phone for the first time, it was enormous, in the car of the owner of a business I worked in during school holidays. Later on the first mobile phone, nicknamed “the brick” came onto the market!

Who fondly remembers their old rotary phones? We memorised many numbers and bad luck if someone was trying to ring you whilst you were on the phone as message bank wasn’t around… but an upside was you could always find your phone!

Typewriters were an essential piece of kit but they only came in one weight – HEAVY and the delete button of the 70s was Liquid Paper, with many assignments saved by this invention. If you wanted to research a topic there was no Google, but we had to visit the local library, search for the books we needed, lug them home, and cop a fine if you forgot to return them in time.

Now it sees the future has arrived, as we see electric cars, environmental advancements, new and better medical developments. For the children of the 70s, what bygone joys do you wish your kids and grandkids could have experienced?

It appears we have turned out ok living through the 70s so I feel very positive about the younger generations turning out ok as well.

I will leave it at that for now, and see if I can find my old LP records.