Able Liquid Waste (1)

Rural Roundup: Hornsby Councillor Warren Waddell

NSW News Update: June is always the time that we take stock of our finances. I am pleased to report that Hornsby Shire Council continues to track well in balancing the books.

We carry no debt and the budget for the year ahead contains a modest 1.9 million surplus. Given an overall annual budget of $200 million containing capital works of $67 million, we see the outcome as both responsible and moderately progressive.

It is always nice to fund more initiatives and to get things done faster, however, spending beyond our means comes with significant risk.

Council manages 2.5 billion dollars in assets. Our budget caters to the maintenance of those assets in a staged and considered way that seeks to keep up with assessed need and the needs put forward by the community.

Rural Roundup, Council News Community News

  • Our play plan will continue to see a roll out of upgrades to local parks and recreation facilities.
  • With the assistance of State funding, we have been able to progress essential paving works on roads impacted by flood water.
  • Community centre and facility upgrades continue as scheduled.
  • Sustainability and environmental initiatives have progressed.
  • Staged drainage works continue to be scheduled.
  • Waste management functions efficiently despite unprecedented pressures.

It is unfortunate that State funded projects of regional significance continue to be at risk. First the suspension of the New Line Rd upgrade that has left residents of the rural area battling the daily traffic jam at each and every merge point.

Now the State Government has announced it would like a return of funds set aside for Westleigh Sport and Rec facilities. A project that has progressed to a point where all non-construction costs have been expended.

In my view, starting and stopping infrastructure projects attracts an unacceptable level of waste. In every case, a considerable amount of human and financial resourcing has already been committed. To have nothing to show for this work is a poor reflection on government.

As always, happy to assist with any issues by contacting me on the following: [email protected] Ph: 04 9900 4861

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