
Rent Out Your Vacant Property to Help Homeless Women

Do you own a home which is vacant?
The Hills Community Transitional Housing project is run by volunteers and is privately funded, networking with other agencies in the Hills and beyond. We are on the lookout for compassionate home-owners with vacant property who are willing to offer their property for rent, to accommodate homeless women.

Wesley Community Housing manages the tenancy agreements, and the benefits to the home-owners include:

  • Secure rent guarantee, no arrears to chase up.
  • Property damage will be rectified – guaranteed.
  • No vacancy risk – Wesley will still pay the rent even if the property is vacant for a while.
  • Limited tenancy management follow up.
  • Reduced inspection challenges.
  • The opportunity to save lives during this homelessness pandemic and partner with a trusted housing community provider.

Helping Homeless Women
Seven years ago, two committed friends, one from Kenthurst Rotary and one from Annangrove RFS, became alarmed at the plight of women and children sleeping rough in the Hills and beyond.

They started a project called the Transitional Community Housing (The Hills) project.

Some 110,000 women aged over 45 in NSW are either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. The fastest growing cohort of homeless people in Australia are women over 55, either due to domestic violence or they have no super to cover skyrocketing rents.

The Hills Shire is close to Penrith and Blacktown LGAs with reported DV cases, yet the homelessness minister’s office tell us that there is no transitional, affordable or social housing available in this LGA.

There is a major problem with Women’s Community Shelters turning away 30 women each week; Mary’s House in North Sydney much the same and the CEO of Wesley Mission tells us that the homeless shelters are full.

For more information, contact Dennis van Someren, Chair, The Hills Community Transitional Housing, and member of Kenthurst Rotary club, 0421 825 265 [email protected]

You don’t need to own property to help! To Donate, please visit: