ear studio sept

Using Sandbags to Protect Your House


It is an operational fire station being used as a command post for the response, with lots of emergency vehicles & personnel there – park in Les Shore Reserve near the cricket nets then engage with the personnel at the station prior to driving over.

Drive at a walking pace, with your headlights on It is a DIY set up – there’s a 1 tonne bulk bag of sand, and empty sandbags.

You fill the sandbags with your own shovel that you need to bring with you.

You have to transport the sandbags yourself to wherever they are needed.

It is an operational fire station being used as a command post for the response, with lots of emergency vehicles & personnel there – park in Les Shore Reserve near the cricket nets then engage with the personnel at the station prior to driving over.

It is an operational fire station being used as a command post for the response, with lots of emergency vehicles & personnel there – park in Les Shore Reserve near the cricket nets then engage with the personnel at the station prior to driving over. It is an operational fire station being used as a command post for the response, with lots of emergency vehicles & personnel there – park in Les Shore Reserve near the cricket nets then engage with the personnel at the station prior to driving over.

Northside washer service