
A Reminder, There will be a Bushfire Season this Summer

James Wallace | Hornsby Mp 

Over the past few weeks since being elected, I have been spending a lot of time getting around to the many different local organizations across the Hornsby electorate, as I get acquainted with the community and gain a better understanding for the issues and challenges facing our residents.

Recently I had a meeting with Superintendent Dan Meijer, the Acting District Manager for Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Rural Fire Service, at their recently upgraded Headquarters at Cowan.

With 19 brigades, 65 vehicles (including 6 boats) and a total of 1,318 volunteers, the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai RFS District is the Hornsby Electorate’s largest volunteer organization. The District volunteers are supported by 12 professional staff.

This calendar year, the organisation has responded to 557 fire calls, trained an additional 498 volunteers and held 56 training courses for the existing members. They have also undertaken 14 hazard reduction burns of around 225 hectares.

I was very impressed to go through the details of what Dan and his team have done to prepare for the 2024/25 bushfire season.

However, please do not solely rely on the RFS to save you and your property in the event of a nearby dangerous bushfire.

Every resident should be “bushfire ready” and every property should be prepared for the bushfire season.

If you not ready, it is not to late and you can find more information at

20th Anniversary for Hornsby Relay for Life 2024

20th Anniversary for Hornsby’s Relay for Life

I was very pleased to support Hornsby Relay for Life’s twentieth successive event at Rofe Park last month. It was once again an overwhelming success as they exceeded their goal of fundraising $110K.

The annual event has now raised over $1.8 million for cancer research since it commenced. It is a 24-hour family festival, with a full program of live entertainment, ceremonies, kids activities, food and lots of fun.

Congratulations to Robyn Twigg OAM who has participated in all twenty relays. Robyn is a 24-hour walker and an inspiration to many with her passion and fundraising prowess.

An incredible 59 teams and 435 walkers participated. Along with Robyn’s team, Pink Ribbons II, other teams included the Rangers Baseball, Hornsby Men’s Shed, Waitara Girl Guides, Cherrybrook Girl guides and Pennant Hills High School.

Well done to the organisers including Nicola MacGee, Ruth Swadling and Karen Humphries for a successful event. It was a privilege to walk with them as part of the Survivors and Carers Walk, along with my mother who recently battled cancer.