
The Probus Club of the Hills Inc.

The Probus Club of the Hills Inc was formed in June 1989 and was until recently a men’s club. Monthly meetings were held at the Uniting Church Hall in Showground Road Castle Hill.

For many years the club was very active with outings and activities every month as well as trips away both within Australia and overseas.

However membership started to wain and when covid hit the club was unable to meet for almost two years.

Once restrictions eased it was realised that membership had been adversely affected so at the AGM in March 2022 members not only approved for the inclusion of female members but also to relocate to the Galston Club.

Since relocating there has been a major increase in membership and consequently in activities.

At the meetings which commence at 10am for 10.30am on the second Wednesday of each month (except January) there is always an interesting guest speaker and morning tea is provided. Following the meeting lunch is available at the Galston Club.

Current activities include golf, snooker, finance and walking, mystery trips, car trials and mini trips away.

There are still vacancies in the membership and new members would be warmly welcomed.

If interested in joining please contact Bob Heyward 0427360389 or Ken Smith 0413 309 573

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