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The Hills Music Academy Senior Band Turns Up the Beat

Member For Baulkham Hills

Baulkham Hills MP David Elliott is pleased to announce The Hills Music Academy Senior Band is one of 20 NSW-based community brass and concert bands selected for the 2022 Community Band Development Grants Program funding, administered by the Band Association of NSW on behalf of Create NSW.

The Group will use its funding of $1,000 to increase their banding activities within their community and help grow their audience numbers.

“The Community Band Development Grants Program recognises the special role bands and live music play in our community life, and provides an excellent upskilling opportunity for musicians while promoting arts and culture around NSW,” Mr Elliott said.

“This program invests in our local communities by providing support to local talent and volunteers, while also increasing band activity, lifting performance standards and growing audience numbers.”

“It’s great that the NSW Government is supporting our Baulkham Hills musicians and volunteers through funding for Hills Music Academy Senior Band, and I am confident this investment will give them the assurance they deserve as they play on into the future,” said Mr Elliott.

I encourage Baulkham Hills’ residents to get their flu vaccine up-to-date. There has been a noticeable increase in the Flu Virus circulating in the community. Hospitals are already seeing a surge in influenza cases. There is particular concern for children aged six month to five years old who are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effect of Flu.

Hills Music Academy Senior Band National Road Safety Week Baulkham HILLS

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