
The Community Defib Project


The Community Defib Project is excited to announce the installation of the first two community AEDs for the Glenhaven communities. These units are the first of many to be facilitated by the CDP Glenhaven committee led by local community member Mitchell Blue.

Community Project would like to thank Louis Carr Real Estate, Castle Hill for generously sponsoring the two community AEDs for the Glenhaven community.

AED#39 has been installed outside Glenhaven Rural Fire Service – 11 Glenhaven Rd, Glenhaven

AED#40 has been installed at Glenhaven Oval – 76 Glenhaven Rd, Glenhaven

*Both community AEDs are available for 24/7 community access to respond to a sudden cardiac arrest.

The Community Defib would also like to acknowledge the support from The Hills Shire Council and the Glenhaven Rural Fire Brigade in the installation of these units.

Founder and Chair of the project Sophie Wills said, “The goal of the Community Project is to see every CDP community have 24/7 access to a community AED within no more than 10 minutes of each local resident”.

“CPR and a defibrillator is the first line of treatment for a sudden cardiac arrest, and local residents of Glenhaven now have access to this before an ambulance arrives should they ever need it.”

Mitchell Blue, who introduced the project to Glenhaven recognises the need to keep his community safe. Through sponsorships, Mitchell and his team have been able to bring two units to the Glenhaven community.

“We look forward to holding a community meeting to introduce the defibrillators into the community and provide training in their use.” Mitchell said.

There are more community AEDs planned in the Glenhaven
community. To get involved or support the project,
please contact us today [email protected]

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