Four multi-purpose rectangular turf sports fields that can also be reconfigured into two ovals, along with an amenities building with accessible toilets, change rooms, kiosk, referee room and storage are set to be built in North Kellyville.

Works on the brand new Samantha Riley Drive Reserve could commence as soon as April after The Hills Shire Council accepted a multi-million dollar construction tender.

The approved plans also include a basketball half court, two practice cricket nets, sports field lighting, a maintenance storage building, a local playground with picnic facilities, an onsite car park with 200 spaces, concrete shared pathways, a field irrigation and underground storage tanks to collect rainwater.

Hills Shire Mayor Peter Gangemi said: “Our parks, reserves and playgrounds are more important than ever before and I’m proud that this Council is working hard to deliver more of the facilities that are vital to our residents’ health and wellbeing.”

Council has also accepted a tender to increase the size of the playing field area at Kenthurst Park to accommodate an additional full-sized sports field.

The end result will see three senior-sized playing fields in the area along with the retention of the existing turf cricket pitch at Kenthurst Park.