
Rural Roundup Update – Clr Warren Waddell

During the July meeting, (2nd last for this term), Council resolved to progress a number of initiatives in the rural area:

  • To proceed to the next stage of the Fagan Park off leash dog facility, with further consideration to suggestions flagged by the community.
  • Progress to the next stage of the Galston Village Public Domain plan.
  • To continue to put pressure on the State Government to prioritise the completion of New Line Rd and associated infrastructure.

In other news;

  • The Wiseman’s Ferry Community Resilience Plan has been developed. The working group which includes community members, RFS, SES, Peppercorn, NSW Police, NSW Construction Authority and four Councils, has identified priority actions that will help in being better prepared for disasters. These include First Aid courses, education material, emergency kits with the possibility of a solar radio being included.
  • At a joint meeting I attended with Hills Council representatives and State MP Robyn Preston, several issues concerning our shared boundary were highlighted. From Glenorie to Wiseman’s Ferry, residents raised concerns over driver conduct, State Rd maintenance, illegal dumping, wildlife awareness and the impacts of overgrown verges. I will continue to work collaboratively to address and hopefully improve on the present situation.
  • In July I was also privileged to be invited to the Hornsby Gang Show. The Scouts and Guides that participated in the musical variety production, “Tumble Through Time”, excelled in demonstrating their wide range of talent and skills. I am now looking forward to seeing the students at Galston High School perform in their latest production, “The Addams Family”
  • Lastly, Hornsby Shire Council will once again run a plant giveaway programme from our community nursery in Pennant Hills. On Friday 16th and Saturday 17th August residents can select from a range of plants propagated by our nursery staff and volunteers.

As always, happy to assist with any issues by contacting me on the following: [email protected] Ph: 0499 004 861.