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Rouse Hill in Store For Development Boom

The Draft Rouse Hill Precinct Plan will be placed on exhibition for three months for community feedback.

Rouse Hill is one of eight defined strategic centres within the Central City District, identified for growing investment, business and jobs.

As part of the Draft Rouse Hill Precinct Plan, the Strategic Centre is envisaged to cater for 12,500 jobs, greater road and pedestrian links as well as new and enhanced parks.

The Draft Plan reiterates the vision for Rouse Hill Strategic Centre as a prime destination for knowledge intensive businesses focussed on health, education, science, technology, finance, and advanced manufacturing, in addition to the current and expanded retail and leisure offering.

According to council’s plans, in the next 20 years, the Rouse Hill Strategic Centre will be a location valued by workers, residents and visitors for its vibrancy and amenity.

The plans state that “Rouse Hill will capitalise on the large undeveloped parcels of land near the new Metro Station to create a walkable centre with high-quality well-designed buildings at core. In addition to hosting a new public hospital and health hub and substantial growth in employment opportunities, the Strategic Centre will provide appealing and safe places to shop, dine, socialise, live, and enjoy cultural and leisure experiences all within the walking catchment of high frequency mass public transport”.

There will also be capacity for some 12,500 new jobs by 2041; and an opportunity to capitalise on the planned Rouse Hill Hospital as a “key catalyst for growth in health industries and knowledge-intensive jobs”.

The existing Rouse Hill Town Centre across Rouse Hill Drive to the north would boast a new retail and restaurant precinct; and there would be capacity for some 4,500 dwellings by 2041, according to the plans. The Draft Rouse Hill Precinct Plan can be found at

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