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News From History Cottage

By Michael Bell 

How pleasing to see our community returning to activities that bring us together! The Society, with the generosity of the Uniting Church, has been able to resume the monthly meetings in safety.

Our April speaker, Mrs June Byrne of Rowland Village, spoke of her research on George Adolphus Thomas; known to locals only as “the artist in the stone cottage in the Gorge”. Because her research revealed so much about Mr Thomas it has encouraged the Society to publish a booklet on this most forward-thinking former member of our Community.

At our May meeting talk will be “Busy Bevans of Bevans Road Galston”, presented by Society member, Mr Ken Bradley. Here again, research has revealed two most influential former residents, Walter, a judge and Edward, an artist. They followed different paths to success, to the enrichment of those who were affected by their abilities. Remarkable men, held in high regard by colleagues and their communities.

Hornsby Shire Council is currently undertaking a survey of heritage in the remote and river parts of the Shire and has asked our Society for assistance. We would therefore like to hear from all who know of events, buildings, people, evidence of Aboriginal civilisation, family history and anything else that is significant and should be recorded.

Our community is changing so quickly and much could be lost if this most important undertaking is not thorough.

Our meeting will be in the Uniting Church, School Road, Galston on Saturday the 14th May starting at 2.00pm. A gold coin for Afternoon tea.

My apologies for the error with the date of the last meeting.

returning to activities

Aussie Bathroom