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Renovating with Property

Property & You – By Paul McKenzie, ABS Conveyancing

Before you start to renovate your home, ask yourself – is the renovations to improve your lifestyle ? or to get it ready to sell ? If renovating to sell, keep it into a good budget, paint in conservative colours (whites, yellows and creams) and only spend/renovate, to bring “the wow” factor in order to sell for best price. Remember, purchasers after buying will make their own changes. For example, why paint in conservative colours, as you might preferred pink walls, but the purchaser prefers blue walls. Don’t let your Agent talking you into extra renovations that are not necessary. For example, couple was talked into spending $15,000 on carpet to help sell the property. Only to sell it, at a price to disappoint, with the purchasers ripping that carpet out, replacing it with tiles.

When renovating for lifestyle, go with your heart, desires and at a budget you can afford. Television programs and magazines, such as Better Homes & Gardens, gives great ideas and tips. Enjoy renovating, with the help, shopping at Bunnings, IKEA, Harvey Norman etc.

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