The recent floods brought back the story of Willie Porter from Old Northern Road, Middle Dural who was awarded a medal for bravery in 1927.
After a period of heavy rain Willie and his neighbour Thomas McKeown were travelling from Hornsby back across the Colah Creek causeway on the part of Mid Dural Road that’s now known as Sallaway Road. The current was so strong that Willie, Thomas and their horse and sulky were washed into the creek.
Honoring the Legacy of Willie Porter: A True Local Hero
Willie Porter managed to save himself and his friend but the poor pony was carried away and its body was later found in Foster’s Waterhole further down the creek. It’s said that someone carved the pony’s name, Dandy, onto a rock at the causeway where it could be seen for many years.
Willie was subsequently awarded a NSW Humane Society Bronze Medal for his courage in saving his friend. The newspaper extract (right) is taken from the Sydney Mail Wed 14 September 1927 (Source:Trove)
Willie PORTER was awarded a Bronze Medal for actions involving a flood at Galston on the 18th April 1927