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Relay For Life

Purple power hit Castle Hill Showground on 18th May as thousands of people took to the track for the 23rd annual Hills Relay For Life event.

The community event has already raised close to $300,000 for Cancer Council research and support programs and donations are still being banked.

High winds early on Saturday morning had the community organising committee busy tethering tents and gazebos before the official launch started With a Welcome to and visual demonstration on the cancer statistics.

A Lone Piper led the first lap as cancer survivors and carers walked the first lap at Castle Hill Showground which was followed by a special morning tea.

Politicians including Federal MP Alex Hawke, State MPs Mark Hodges and Ray Williams and Hills Shire Mayor Peter Gangemi and Deputy Mayor Mitchell Blue and fellow councillors joined sponsors and Relay participants for the next lap.

This year’s Relay had a huge amount of youthful energy with several high schools involved including Castle Hill High Glenwood High, Rouse Hill Anglican College, Kellyville High, The Kings School and Crestwood High.

Emergency services were also out in force walking the track with State Emergency Service volunteers making sure that orangeoveralls could be seen walking around the clock. Rural Fire Services volunteers joined the police and St John Ambulance in supporting the event.

Relay is not a race and while some walkers chose to walk a 1,000 laps or 24-hours most people were happy just to be there, alongside local businesses, service organisations and family groups and friends.

Hills Relay Chair Lisa Carruthers said despite the cold the atmosphere was glowing.

“The strength of Relay is how it brings our community together for a common goal … acancer-free future,” she said. “We had over 80cancer and carers on the track and they are celebrated. It is such a meaningful event to be part of.”

The 24-hour event features all day entertainment on stage plus trackside favourites such as the box car rally which included an emergency services race and prizes for junior contestants.

Hundreds of people attended the moving candlelight service of remembrance.

Major sponsors were: Purple: CHRG(Castle Hill RSL Group), Castle Towers, Event Cinemas. Gold: Mulpha and Rydges Norwest,Silver: Century 21 The Hills District and BuyInvest Live, Smada Electrical Services, Hills SelfStorage, Robert Cliff Master Jewellers and Hills to Hawkesbury Community News. Lisa also thanked Bronze sponsors and supporters who enabled the community event to happen.

The next Hills Relay fundraiser is a High Teaat Rydges Norwest on Saturday June 15th 2pm to 4.30pm.
Book tickets by email [email protected] or message Bev on 0451 519 088.