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How Do You Rate Job Satisfaction?

Does your current role give you the job satisfaction that you would like? Does job that makes your feel like you have contributed to your community and made a difference?

Supporting people who have a disability or who are ageing to live at home may be something that you have never considered, however, maybe the answer!

Jenny tells me that she made the change from a high powered corporate role that left her feeling empty and exhausted, to being a community care worker.

She said that her role is the most satisfying that she has ever had in her life as she can see the difference she makes in the lives of the people she supports.

She has met so many interesting people and enjoys her chats with them while she works. She says that the people she supports often tell her how grateful they are, so she goes about her work with a spring in her step – very different to her previous role!

If you are interested in finding out more about a career with Just Better Care, give our office a call on 9484 8788.

Sue Buckle is a Registered Nurse, and is the Director of Just Better Care Hills District

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