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Probus Ponderings – ‘New Year’ Nostalgia

Recently The Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook celebrated a milestone of the year with the Changeover Lunch. ‘Captain’ Terry Carter, a cruising tragic, was brought onboard and is now at the helm of the Club ably supported by his crew of 9, with a plan for a year of smooth sailing. (No more nautical puns!)

While all the regular activities continue with strong support, a long awaited getaway for 52 members to the beautifully refurbished Carrington Hotel in the Blue Mountains, was a highlight. The first day began with a Devonshire Afternoon Tea and culminated in a Gala Dinner Roaring Twenties style. The following day started with a guided walk around the historic sights of Katoomba followed by the opportunity to be a thrill seeker at Scenic World, enjoy a round of golf or the tranquillity of a show garden.


If you are an able bodied, semi-retired or retired couple and have promised yourselves to get out, meet new people and have new experiences the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook could be for you.

Our meetings are held at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on the first Thursday of each month. For up to date information please contact Ross on 0411104863. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our Probus Club to share the good times.