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Probus Ponderings – A Fond Farewell to Zoom

The October meeting of the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook was one filled with a heady mix of nostalgia and optimism. With fingers crossed we held what we hope was our final Zoom meeting, a strange feeling of farewelling a faithful servant that helped us through the difficult times of lockdown and revelling in returning to ‘normality.

The members took the opportunity to reflect on the activities we had enjoyed throughout 2020 and 2021 (despite the past challenges) by revisiting our articles from the Dooral Roundup. To our surprise when looking at times written down in black and white, we were quite busy – you really can’t keep a good group down!

But now the real fun begins. We are so excited to be embarking on face to face meetings again, outings including walks, social drives, golf, bowls and the many other interest groups within the club and longer trips that have been waiting patiently in the wings.

If you are an able-bodied, semi-retired or retired couple and have promised yourselves to get out, meet new people and have new experiences the Combined Probus Club of Cherrybrook could be for you.

Our meetings are usually held at the Cherrybrook Community and Cultural Centre on the first Thursday of the month and we look forward to our return there shortly.

For up to date information please contact Ross on 0411 104 863. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our Probus Club to share the good times.

Arbor Pride