
Organisations Encouraged to Tap Into Grant Opportunity

Local not-for-profits, community groups and organisations are being encouraged to apply for the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program (Clubgrants Category 3).

Member for Kellyville Ray Williams MP said the Clubgrants program had been delivering significant funds for important community projects across the electorate.

“Clubgrants invests in the projects that matter to our community and I’m encouraging local organisations to take advantage of this program which is delivering grants of between $50,000 and $250,000,” Mr Anderson said.

“I know there are some outstanding community infrastructure projects on the radar right across the electorate and this is an opportunity to get them funded and underway.

Funding can be used for a range of projects from upgrading local halls, to lighting for sporting grounds, art exhibits, community transport, or infrastructure that supports youth.

“This program is about investing in our community, connecting us and fostering growth in sport, recreation and the arts, while boosting social inclusion and disaster resilience.”

These grants are made possible by the Clubgrants Category 3 Fund which re-invests profits from registered clubs’ gaming machines into community projects. Funding is available for infrastructure projects in four areas:

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community Infrastructure
  • Disaster Readiness
  • Sport & Recreation

Applications open from Monday 4 November and close on 25 November. For more information, please visit