
Have Your Say On The Hawkesbury – Oasis Centre’s Upgrades

The Hawkesbury Oasis Aquatic and Fitness Centre in South Windsor is getting a revamp of its facilities, and Hawkesbury City Council wants your advice on its changes.

The Aquatic and Fitness Centre provides sport, fitness and leisure services for the Hawkesbury and its surrounding districts. As a YMCA centre, it also offers a range of funded youth and community programs for disadvantaged locals including swimming lessons.

However, an exciting new series of upgrades will transform the 1990’s built facility over the next few years. The NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program is delivering $2 billion worth of transformational infrastructure across Western Sydney, including the Hawkesbury. Approximately $5.9 million of the program will be applied to the Aquatic and Fitness Centre, expected to finish late 2026.

The proposed upgrades include a children’s splash park, a climbing-wall facility and an outdoor gym. For seniors, a shallow-depth program has been proposed including an accessibility ramp and hydrotherapy programs.

An artist’s impression of the hawkesbury oasis aquatic and fitness centre’s upgrade. Expected to finish late 2026

Other suggestions by Hawkesbury Council include upgrades to the centre’s existing infrastructure such as additional school-age amenities for school events, extended childminding areas, additional car parking and a new deck covering the change-rooms and out-door cafe.

Hawkesbury City Council wants to hear from its local residents about the project via This community survey will close on Thursday the 8th of August, 2024. Feedback from local residents will then be applied during the community consultation period and may influence the final concept design stage.

The timeline of expected upgrades are yet to be determined, but Council’s intentions are to keep the Aquatic and Fitness Centre operational during the works.

Hawkesbury Mayor, Sarah McMahon has expressed her excitement for the new series of changes:

Hawkesbury Oasis Aquatic and Fitness Centre is a much-loved and popular place to visit for our community. These improvements deliver on the already approved master plan for the centre and will create a more valuable and inclusive experience for current and future patrons. The grant funding will enable the centre to better serve the community for many years to come.”
