
Northholm Students Celebrate Virtual Book Week

Northholm Grammar Primary Years students embraced the opportunity to celebrate the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s (CBCA) annual Book Week despite this year’s remote learning restrictions. Since 1945, the CBCA has brought children and books together across the nation in a wonderful, inclusive week of events.

Northholm’s Kindergarten to Year 6 students spent the week celebrating Australian children’s authors and illustrators – remotely!

Students participated in a variety of incursions where they were able to listen to renowned authors, such as Matt Cosgrove, Max Hamilton and Nathan Luff, discuss their process and share funny anecdotes. Some students even had the pleasure of listening to Sami Bayly, author and illustrator of the 2021 Honour Book, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dangerous Animals, followed by a Taronga Zoo Live Lessons presentation on two of these creatures, the Gila Monster and Fierce Snake.


Northholm Grammar teachers entertained their students by reading to them their favourite picture book through the Read with Me program and each day students were given a new daily challenge to complete. These challenges included writing a creative story, recreating book covers, taking a photo in a whimsical and weird position and expressing their creativity to develop their own ideal world.

The School congratulates the students who participated in the Book Week challenges with great enthusiasm and imagination.

Aussie Bathroom