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Northholm Grammar is nurturing resilience through Student Wellbeing

A significant aspect of Northholm Grammar’s commitment to student wellbeing is embedded in our focus to develop resilience. As their lives become more complex and stressful, we need to provide our students with a ‘toolkit’ to be able to handle these challenges and difficulties.

Psychological resilience is defined by flexibility in response to changing situational demands, and the ability to bounce back from negative emotional experiences (Block & Kremen, 1996). Resilience is at the heart of mental health and Northholm reinforces to our students the importance of seeking out opportunities for growth and development.

We are excited to introduce The Resilience Project’s online wellbeing curriculum in our Primary Years, delivering emotionally engaging programs and providing evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience and support mental health.

The program includes resources and strategies for parents and staff as well as students, addressing the key pillars of resilience: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Gratitude is defined as ​being thankful for what you have, Empathy is ​thinking about what others are feeling and Mindfulness is building awareness of your present moment – your thoughts, emotions and surroundings – to develop a sense of calm.

Resilience is about relationships, where individuals are connected, protected and respected. At Northholm Grammar, we recognise that the most important thing we have is a strong relationship between students, staff, parents and the wider community. Northholm Grammar’s inclusive culture, which values students as both a learner and a person, is an important part of our approach to wellbeing.

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