
News from History Cottage

Audience at the August meeting (Michael Bell)

The audience, of nearly 150 attending the August, June Roughley Memorial Lecture, broke all records. Dr Grace Karskens’ research of the history of Dyarubbin, Hawkesbury River, entertained, enthralled and generated much discussion over afternoon tea.

Her explanations of the life and conditions of the early convict farmers, gave a different story to that so generally held. Our lack of education and our tendency to apply our present values, to life of two hundred years ago, mean we draw the wrong conclusions.

The guest speaker for the 14th September meeting will be the daughter-in-law of Galliano Melocco and wife of the late Graham Melocco. Pamela has been researching the Melocco Bros contribution to the Australian built landscape and in particular, Galliano’s contribution to the Melocco Bros legacy.

Evidence of their work is seen Sydney landmarks such as The Crypt and The Chapel in St Mary’s Cathedral, the Sunken Fountain and the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park, the State Theatre and many other well known Sydney and Canberra buildings. This talk is an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge that will enhance a visit to Sydney, Goulburn, Canberra and many country towns with Art Deco buildings.

The next meeting will be on Saturday the 12th September in the Galston Uniting Church School Road Galston, starting at 2.00pm. Entry is free. Afternoon tea is available for a gold coin. Booking is not necessary but indications are that early arrival might get the visitor a better seat.

Enquiries to Michael on 02 9653 1365