
News from History Cottage

How fortunate is our community to have a person with intimate knowledge of the history of the establishment of the war memorial at Hell Fire Pass.

While working in Thailand, Ken Bradley, our guest speaker for April, was able to draw together much valuable information on locations, personal recollections and rare photographs associated with the construction of the railway during World War Two. Ken hopes to present these valuable resources to the Australian War Memorial.

Our guest speaker on 11th May will be Judith Dunn OAM. Judith is a widely respected author, historian and guide; she is also a most entertaining speaker.

She will tell the stories of some of the 25,000 convict women transported to the colonies between 1788 and 1868. Their crimes, how they lived, and overcame the many obstacles they met, make for an interesting afternoon.

The Government facilities, such of the Female Factory and the Orphanage, played an important role for many, and our tour in May to Parramatta will visit these.

It is worthwhile reading “The Floating Brothel” by Sian Rees, the story of the convict transport ship Lady Julian bringing 237 women to the Colony in 1789. The humanity and pragmatism shown is a message to those who might think only the worst.

This ANZAC day dawn service was held at the Cenotaph commencing at 6.30. As usual the Society provided seating and facilities.

Dural and District Historical Society Inc.
Next Meeting: 11th May 2pm, Galston Uniting Church, School Road, Galston.
Entry free. Gold coin for afternoon tea at the conclusion of the meeting.
Enquiries to Michael Bell 02 9653 1365.