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News from History Cottage – Monthly Meeting 2024

After a most successful year in 2023, with record numbers attending the monthly meeting, forty four members enjoyed the Society’s Christmas party. Often the conversation turned to the interesting subjects presented during the year, particularly the local family histories and special local places.

Encouraged by this interest the Committee has arranged a series of talks for the coming year that it feels will add to understanding our special community.

The first meeting for 2024, on the 10th February, will be given by Rod Best, a lawyer who specialised in child protection and social history. Taking a dramatic incident in Pennant Hills in 1905, Mr Best shines a light on the lives of all groups in society in the Federation years before World War 1.


Future talks will tell, among others; of a century old mystery solved, the research and recognition of the infamous Hellfire Pass; local architecture; Cattai Creek and a little known local institution. The August, June Roughley Memorial Lecture, will be given by renowned researcher and author, Dr Grace Karskens.

News from History Cottage - Monthly Meeting 2024

A tour to Lithgow is planned for March and Judith Dunn will guide members on a tour of Parramatta in May, after a preparatory talk earlier in that month. At least one more tour will also be arranged.

The Society continues to receive valuable donations of historical material that must be recorded and archived. In addition there are many requests for research into land title, family and residential history and photographs.

The Society is in urgent need of new members who could help with the work associated with this most important part of its responsibility to our community.

Please contact Michael on 9653 1365 or Judy on 9651 2034.

Next meeting on the 10th February at 2.00pm in the Galston Uniting Church, School Road Galston. All welcome. Enquiries, 02 9653 1365

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