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News from History Cottage


Our June Roughley Memorial Lecture History Cottage in the Arcadia Community Hall last month, was an enjoyable and informative afternoon.

Dr Ian Hoskins gave us much to talk about over dinner at the AGRA community evening. We hope to hear from him in the coming year.

On the 10th September, our guest speaker will be Mark Tedeschi AM. QC, barrister, author and photographer, and former Senior Crown Prosecutor for New South Wales. The successful prosecution of the perpetrators, in two notorious recent cases, had required outstanding research and analysis of evidence. As an interest he turned his attention to examining the evidence of similar historical cases. Most notable is the topic of one of his five books, The Myall Creek Massacre of 1838.

The Myall Creek massacre is an event, avoided in earlier education, which should be part of truth telling as we moved towards a better understanding of our history. The case involved the treatment of Indigenous inhabitants, the European squatters with privileged positions in society, the efforts of a dedicated and increasingly ostracised prosecutor within a divided community.

The day’s talk will provide much stimulus for discussion over the afternoon tea that follows and Mr Tedeschi’s books will be on sale to add to your library.

Our meeting will commence at 2.00pm in the Uniting Church, School Road Galston.

The Society will hold its A.G.M. on the 10th October at 2.00pm in the Church. This will be a “Show and Tell” .

Enquiries 9653 1365.

History Cottage

Aussie Bathroom